Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another one!

I have finally closed my other blogs that have been inactive for a very long time and am going to be using this one from now on. I thought it would be good to get back in to writing more often. I do write in my notebooks nearly every day, but I would like to do something more public. Plus, NaNoWriMo is less than two months away now and I would really like to finish it this year. My previous attempts have been, well, bad. Usually I get too busy, forget, or start to lose interest. This time I seem to have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to write.

This month I plan on putting some more stuff up on YouTube. I have been tossing around the idea of a vlog for a while now. The first time I tried to do a vlog (a little over two years ago) didn't work out so well. The reason it didn't work was because I tried to film it in a park and things started to go wrong. First, the camera wasn't set up right and it got a little bit windy. I had to mess with the settings a while and try getting it to work and to stay there. It also wasn't a very good camera. Then when I started talking, a hobo appeared from across the park and he started staring at me. My neighborhood really doesn't have homeless people hanging around, so it was interesting that he was there. Anyway, he was looking at me like I was crazy. I got a little creeped out that he just kept staring. So I decided it probably wasn't a good area to try this and I got up. Well, as soon as I got up it started raining. I ended up getting a ride home and when I got there I wasn't really ready to try again... and I haven't thought about it too much since. I started thinking about doing it again recently, so I will make my second attempt soon.

Anyway, I'm going to try posting here at least a few times a week!

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